InfraCivilCon2023: System of Land Use and Transportation

Urban transportation attempts to meet the transportation needs brought on by a variety of urban activities taking place in a variety of urban contexts. Analysis of the patterns and processes in the transport-land use system is thus crucial for understanding urban entities. This system is quite complicated and involves a number of connections between the land use, spatial interactions, and transportation systems.

Transport mechanism,  the group of transportation modes and infrastructures that facilitate urban freight and passenger transit. It often represents the accessibility level and is made up of supply-enhancing infrastructure. For instance, traffic assignment models infer flows within a transportation network using an existing spatial interaction structure. Consequently, conceptual flows turn into actual physical phenomena.

spatial relationships, the kind, scope, sources, and destinations of urban freight and passenger flows. The characteristics of the transport system as well as the land use considerations that are driving and attracting movements are taken into account by spatial interactions. The underlying premise is that spatial impendence, which captures the friction of urban space, is primarily responsible for how information moves between sites. In order to illustrate how each unit of distance change affects the strength of interactions, several spatial interaction models rely on distance-decay parameters. Urban travel modes, namely which mode will be employed for which journey, are another aspect of spatial interactions.

Land usage, takes into account the degree of spatial accumulation of activities and the mobility demands associated with those degrees of activity. There is a large body of spatial economic models that attempt to estimate transportation demand, mostly through generating and attracting traffic through various land use zones. Land usage frequently correlates with economic and demographic characteristics.

The difficulty of connecting one mode of transportation with one set of land use patterns is a major research challenge. While highways are typically associated with lower densities of residential and commercial activity and public transit systems with higher densities, there is a murky and complex relationship between the various modes of transportation that are available in urban areas, including freight distribution. In addition, zoning regulations may place limitations on the kinds of activities that can be built as well as their density. Planning constraints thus have an impact on land use dynamics.

Source: Jean-Paul Rodrigue, in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (Second Edition), 2020


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